Saturday, June 20, 2009


In chapter six, I learned about ideology. This is our assumption on how things should be within our society. It is apparent through our words, actions, and practices. When ideology is brought into an organization, it hinders the company. If a supervisor believes that men are only suitable for a certain job he will ignore capable women. We all have our ideologies that have been ingrained in us from birth through our experiences.
The other day I was in my marketing class and my teacher was trying to explain to the class that the automotive industry's marketing focuses on women. I responded by arguing that the automotive industry is geared to the men and although women make more decisions for their husbands, males still dominate this industry. This is my belief because since I was born men have been the main workers within that industry. If a woman goes to buy a car, most will bring a man with them. My sister bought her car and brought my dad because although she was the one buying the car, the salesman would only speak and bargain with my dad. If this industry is not male dominated, then why would this be the case?


  1. I do the same thing when I have to do anything car related. Even though I am the owner of the vehicle and the one paying for the repairs I still feel more comfortable if I have a guy with me, even if he knows nothing about cars. I feel like when I walk into an auto body shop by myself the mechanics (and all of the ones that I have been to have been a completely male staff) look at it as a possibility to take advantage of me (recommend a new air filter, when I got it replaced at the last visit)or use it as an opportunity to hit on me.

  2. After reading the section on ideology I also learned that it focuses on how people actually think the world should be viewed. The simple case in life is that everyone see's the world in some different degree. Your example of the argument that occurred in your marketing class is a prime example. Who can defiantly say whom the commercial is supposed to be marketed to? Whether it’s towards men or women, these car companies are still going to make a profit from it because of the airtime in the media. Hearing different car commercials throughout the day is going to convince people in general to go out and buy vehicles. This brings me to the conclusion that ideology can favor a company even if the product serves some sort of controversy.
